Plató de Cinema
Plató de Cinema

Plató de Cinema

T-shirt production and personalised tote bags with lettering for Plató de Cinema.

Poster printing, flyers and street marketing campaign.

Plató de Cinema is a school where you can study Cinema BA and Acting BA. On top of that, they offer specific classes industry focused, as well as acting monographics. They work with small groups of students, in order to give a tailored experience.

Plató de Cinema has a professional team of people dedicated and passionate about cinema and teaching. Despite teaching both disciplines separately, students are all united when it comes to practicing, thus helping actors to be familiarised with filmmakers and their cameras from day one, and the other way around too.

Plato Camisetas 1
Plato Camisetas 2
Plato Totebag 1
Plato Carpeta 1
Plato Carpeta 2
Plato Triptico 1

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Mil Máscaras

Mil Máscaras S.L.
93 677 46 25
Carrer de Biada, 6, local 2
08012 Barcelona